December 31, 2014

Top 10 moments in 2014

It’s hard to believe this time last year I was still unpublished. Not only that, I was actively participating pitch contests such as pitchmas and pitmad on Twitter, querying agents and editors, and totally clueless about how to self-publish. Now, I have three books out and another right around the corner, then there’s that the three book deal with Kensington. Oh, and did I mention I have an agent? That’s right! All that searching finally paid off when I found my awesome agent, Stacey Donaghy.

With all that’s changed over the last year, I thought I’d compile a list of the highlights of 2014.

#10- Etopia Press.
This taught me a lot. Like how the editing process works and how a publisher should not behave. It also introduced me to a lot of awesome authors, and an editor whose work I really value. There were some tears and stressful moments, but I wouldn’t change how it all went down because it brought me to where I am today.  When I got dropped, it felt horrible. It was like a slap in the face and totally unexpected, and I didn’t know where to go or what to do. Within a couple weeks, however, I was thrilled by the turn of events. I still know a lot of unhappy authors who are stuck with this publisher, so how I got so lucky as to have them hand me my rights back I’ll never know. But I am so glad.

#9- Getting to hold a book in my hands that had MY name on it.
Getting a book out is awesome, but there’s something to be said for holding the physical copy of your book in your hands. Opening that box of books the first time was better than Christmas!


#8- Having Broken World hit a top 100 list on Amazon.
Broken World made it onto the list of top 100 books in dystopian fiction back in July, and it made my day. I love this book so much, but I had no idea it would do as well as it has. It’s blown me away how much people have loved it, and the fact that it hit the top 100 is awesome enough. But it stayed there all the way until November! I think the highest it got on the list was #8 (during a sale), but even being #99 makes me happy.


#7- Being included in someone’s list of their favorite new authors of 2014.
This made me smile. I love that anyone would buy my books, and I love getting feedback, but being included in someone’s list for the favorites of 2014? Amazing! Thank you so much Nicole Hewitt at Feed Your Fiction Addiction!

#6- Getting that first four digit royalty payment from Amazon.
I don’t write for the money. True, I do want to make this a career, which means making money. True, I do want to be able to earn enough that when my husband gets out of the Air Force he can just join the reserves and not have a second job (he’s been away enough). But money isn’t my motivation. I love writing and I have so many stories trapped in my brain that sometimes I literally can’t sleep at night. But, I’m not going to lie, getting that first royalty payment that was over $1,000 felt like validation. It was like all these people getting together to say: You are a writer. Which is awesome. Thank you, everyone!

#5- Talking to a real agent on the phone!
This happened back in February when we were in the middle of packing up our house in California. It wasn’t the agent I eventually signed with, but getting to talk to a real literary agent on the phone was a very surreal moment. I’ve had a lot of agents request partial and full manuscripts, but getting to talk to one on the phone and hearing how much she loved my book was an amazing experience I will never forget.

#4- Alicia Condon, my editor at Kensington.
When I woke up to the email from Alicia Condon at Kensington press, I almost started crying. Right there in her email she told me how much she loved THE LIST and asked me to give her a call so we could discuss a contract. It was an awesome moment, because while Kensington isn’t one of the big five publishers, it’s still a pretty awesome press. They’ve been around for a long time and they’re growing, they have a good reputation and a name people recognize. Then I spoke with her on the phone and got to hear all the wonderful things she had to say about my book. Then she made me an offer! This will definitely be one of the highlights of my life.



#3- Getting my agent!
Yes, after all that time querying and getting so close, I finally managed to snag an agent this year! Stacey is funny and very passionate, and she works her butt off for her clients. I’m so honored to be one of those clients because I know she wouldn’t just take anyone on. I’m looking forward to lots of awesome deals with Stacey as my agent.

#2- My very first five star review for Broken World.
Sending my book out to bloggers was terrifying. I knew I loved this book, but I had no idea how others would respond. The obvious similarities between my characters and the Dixon brothers, plus the fact that the zombies don’t show up until halfway through…it made me nervous. So, when I got that five star review from Fox at Gorestruly, I literally cried. She got the story I was trying to tell so perfectly, and I loved that a reader could appreciate what I’d written as much as I did.

#1- Fan emails.
You guys have no idea how much I love fan email. Having someone send me a message to tell me how they liked my book or that they stayed up all night to finish it or that they are in love with Axl (which, let’s face it, who wouldn’t be?), is a truly humbling and euphoric experience. If I could take all the emails I’ve gotten and print them out so I could read them every day, I would. In fact, I may try to do some project this year that includes awesome quotes from fans, because there’s nothing better than knowing people love something you’ve spent so much time on.

So here are a few quotes from my favorite fan emails/comments/reviews:

Soozy Peez: “I just recieved my copy of Mad World and I’m half way done. My heart has been in my throat this entire time. Omg. What a book!!!”

Bree Smith: “Just finished book 2 in the Broken World series and I must say you have outdone yourself. Simply Superb. I read book 2 in one sitting and I am on pins and needles now waiting to see all the carnage Axl will unleash on Vivian’s captors and how significant her mother will become when book 3 arrives. Thank you for creating this world. I love it.”

Fox at Gores Truly: “I would definitely recommend this book. There is action, there are hints of romance, there are dystopian themes and there are zombies! Honestly, I couldn’t ask for more in a book.”

Shandy Mama Knows Books: “Ms. Mary did a bang up job of creating a wold that was horrifying and real. The plot swept me along keeping me on the edge of my seat and tugging at my heatstrings.”

Nicole at Feed Your Fiction Addiction: “Turns out all of these characters have layers, and learning about them was definitely my favorite part of the book.”



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