The Far Series

Set in the same universe as the Broken World Series, the Far series follows a new group of survivors as they work to build a future out of the shattered pieces of civilization, fighting both man and monster along the way.

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As the only child in an upper-middle class family, Rowan has had it easy. Doted on by a mother who never wanted anything but a child to love, she's never wanted for anything. Kiaya’s life, however, has been anything but easy. Abandoned by her parents and torn away from her only sibling by the foster care system, she knows what it means to have to work hard for the things she wants.

When a deadly virus sweeps the country, Rowan and Kiaya are away at college and far from everything they love. Desperate to make it home, they team up, but as the world around them dies, they stumble upon a shocking discovery. The virus isn’t just killing people. It’s changing them.

Then former cop Devon pops into their lives, and Rowan and Kiaya are sure their luck has shifted. With hundreds of miles left to cross and the dead taking over, the trio is determined to do whatever it takes to get home. Traveling historic Route 66, Rowan, Kiaya, and Devon fight for survival as they struggle to come to terms with their changing world and what it means for the future.

After traveling the country in hopes of reaching home, Rowan finds herself in a world turned upside down. Her parents are gone and she’s surrounded by people she barely knows, and the only refuge she’s ever known is anything but safe. Zombies have taken over not just her hometown, but the rest of the world as well, and now she must work with fellow survivors, Devon and Kiaya, to find a way to survive this strange new world.

Too bad the extinction of civilization hasn’t erased the complications of everyday life. Between learning to survive in a world overrun by the dead and struggling to work through her grief over losing everything, Rowan must navigate her growing attraction to Devon, as well as deal with her suspicion that something isn’t right with some of their fellow survivors.

Just when she thinks she has a hold on the emotional rollercoaster of this new world, someone from her past makes a surprise – and unwanted – reentry into her life, bringing with them a seed of hope that threatens to once again flip everything upside down.

After learning her father is alive, going with Heath had seemed like a no-brainer to Rowan. Only their reunion doesn’t go quite the way she expected. Now alone and uncertain, Rowan can't help wishing she’d taken the time to think things through before making a decision that might cost her so much.

Kiaya has always been logical and resourceful, and she’s confident if she and Devon work together, they’ll be able to figure out a way to get Rowan back. But there’s trouble brewing in the group, making Kiaya question who she can trust. Even worse, she can’t help wondering if staying at the school is the right decision at all.

Between the zombies walking the Earth, the wildfire that shows no signs of stopping, and dangerous survivors lurking both in town and in their very own halls, it feels like the whole world is out to get them. Still, Kiaya is determined to not only save Rowan, but also to figure out a way to keep everyone she cares about safe.

After barely escaping with their lives, Rowan, Kiaya, and Devon are thrilled to have a safe place to live as winter sets in. With plenty of supplies, a group that works together well, and the security of their new home, things are looking up. Even better? The freezing temperatures might have taken care of the zombies once and for all.

Too bad everyone knows things with Hank are far from over.

Weeks have passed since their altercation with the psycho teen and there’s been no sign of him. It should make Devon feel better. Should help him relax. But with trouble brewing in their group, he can’t help wondering if the kid who tried to kill them all isn’t behind it.

Rowan wants nothing more than to settle into this new life in the least complicated way possible. Not an easy task with the father who abandoned her living so close and the threat of a killer hanging over her head. And those aren’t even her biggest concerns.

As the lives of the people in their group become increasingly intertwined, it becomes clear that love, life, and drama are things even a zombie apocalypse can’t erase. With new relationships forming, old ones causing problems, and surprise additions to the group complicating matters even more, there’s plenty to distract the survivors as they wait to see what will happen when the snow melts and zombies are no longer frozen. And if Hank will finally come knocking.

After making it through winter, Rowan, Devon, and Kiaya are looking forward to creating a future full of hope, new relationships, and even a brand new life.

Too bad it’s impossible to escape trouble during a zombie apocalypse.

When rumors about a new group causing problems in the area reach them, the group worries that the life they’ve worked hard to build is at risk. Doing everything they can to make sure they’re safe, they increase security and create evacuation plans, but the more they discover about this other group, the more they begin to realize how unstable their situation really is.

Complicating things even more, Devon and Rowan learn disappointing news. It seems zombies aren’t the only side effect of the virus, and with no real knowledge of what caused the outbreak to begin with, there’s no way to predict what might happen when their baby is born. Meaning the only thing they can do is hope and pray.

As spring moves into summer and their future grows more precarious, the group braces themselves for whatever they might face next. But the one constant in a zombie apocalypse is uncertainty, and they soon discover that preparing for some things is impossible.

More than a year has passed since a deadly virus swept the globe, killing almost everyone and turning them into monsters. Rowan, Devon, and Kiaya have lost, loved, and worked hard to build lives out of the shattered pieces of the former world, and they’re determined to do whatever it takes to make sure nothing destroys what they’ve built.

But the threat is still out there.

For months they’ve been searching for the vultures who attacked the hospital, not just destroying their home and killing most of their people, but stealing their kids as well. Town after town, month after month, they’ve looked everywhere only to turn up nothing. And now they’re starting to lose hope.

But just as they begin to accept they might not ever learn what happened to Mike, Devon stumbles across evidence that suggests the vultures aren’t that far away. As more pieces of the puzzle begin to emerge, the groups’s hope is restored, making them more determined than ever to finish things once and for all. And to bring Mike and the other kids home.

For almost four years, the survivors in Elizabethtown have worked to make the settlement as safe and self-sustaining as possible. Life will never be what it was before the zombies, but thanks to their hard work, they’ve created something as close to normal as possible, and they’re thriving.

Rowan, Devon, Kiaya, and Doug are happy. They’ve built lives for themselves, created families, and the future is looking good. But when a new group arrives in Elizabethtown, bringing news about what’s happening in other parts of the country, everything they thought about the world is turned upside down.

Now they’re faced with a choice. Continue to brave the apocalypse alone, or join forces with a new government. The risks are high, the benefits extreme, and the threat of what might happen if they continue on their own terrifying. But not everyone is convinced it’s a good idea, and as the days stretch out, the stakes grow higher, as do the doubts.

Despite everything Elizabethtown lost to Phineas, the survivors have managed to avoid the new government in Atlanta for the past seven years. Since then, they’ve worked to become as self-sufficient as possible, learning to live without gasoline and electricity, growing their own food, raising their own animals, and doing everything they can to thrive in a world overrun by the dead. And against all odds, they’re prospering.

But when an unexpected event puts one of their own at risk, Devon, Rowan, Kiaya, and Doug must once again go head-to-head with New Atlanta. Beating them isn’t going to be easy, and it could mean losing everything they’ve worked to build, but they’re determined to stop Phineas from hurting anyone else. Only they’re seriously outmatched, and with so much on the line, the survivors can’t help wondering if they might have finally encountered a problem too big for them to handle. And who, if anyone, will come out of the situation alive.

A killer virus. The population wiped out. The dead walking the Earth…

When a deadly virus sweeps the country, Rowan and Kiaya are far from everything they love. Desperate to make it home, they team up with former cop, Devon, but as the world around them dies, they learn the virus isn’t just killing people, it’s changing them. With hundreds of miles to cross and the dead taking over, the trio is determined to do whatever it takes to get home. Traveling historic Route 66, Rowan, Kiaya, and Devon fight for survival as they struggle to come to terms with their changing world.

But home isn’t the sanctuary they thought it would be, and as the trio teams up with other survivors, they soon discover zombies aren’t the only threat. Or the biggest.