The Beyond Series

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In the Society, everyone is happy.

Drea Young has grown up living in the shadow of the wall. Not only does she know there’s nothing left beyond it, but she also knows it’s there to protect the citizens of the United Society of the Reestablishment. That doesn’t stop her from feeling trapped, though. Why? Everything in her world is perfect. There’s no struggle, no war or crime, no conflict.

No choice.

Drea has always thought she was alone in her blasphemous thoughts, but then she gets to know Jerrick Carter and realizes she couldn’t be more wrong. Quiet and Brooding - and incredibly gorgeous - Jerrick helps her understand not just the world around her, but herself as well, and the more Drea learns about the Society, the more desperate she becomes to break free.

But after a lifetime of being controlled, she isn’t sure if she’s strong enough to leave everything she knows and loves behind…

In the Society, everyone is controlled.

Leaving everything she knew and loved behind wasn’t easy for Drea, but now that she’s out of the Society, she’s determined to make a life for herself. One she chooses. With Jerrick at her side, Drea throws herself into learning not just about herself and the world that used to exist, but the Society as well. And the more she discovers, the more determined she becomes to help overthrow the controlling regime and save the people still trapped in the Society.

Unfortunately for Drea, Jerrick has other plans, which include making sure she stays as far away from the Society as possible.

But when Drea receives word that someone she loves is in danger, she’s faced with what could be a life-altering decision. Does she stay in the safe bubble she’s created for herself in the rebel colony, or does she prove how strong she’s become and risk everything?

In the Society, everyone is at risk.

Separated from Jerrick and the rebellion, Drea once again finds herself living in the shadow of a wall. Only this time, the stakes are higher than she ever could have imagined. And her life isn't the only one on the line.

When Jerrick found out Drea was gone, he thought his world was collapsing. Now, with no idea where she is or what she’s going through, he throws himself into the rebellion, knowing destroying the Society might be the only thing that can save her.

With little chance of escape, Drea must use her wits to learn as much as she can about the Society in hopes of helping the rebellion from the inside. But things are more complicated than they first appeared, and as the days tick by, she finds herself wondering if she’ll ever see Jerrick again. Or if the wall surrounding her will be her home forever.

In the Society, everyone is controlled...

Included in the box set:
Beyond the Wall
Beyond this Life
Beyond this Fight

Get the complete dystopian series by award-winning author Kate L. Mary now! Perfect for fans of dystopian novels like The Hunger Games and Divergent, this series is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat!