The Species Traitor Series

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My name is Ava Mendoza, and I am a species traitor.

They came hoping to find a new home after their own planet was destroyed, but Earth was dying as well, and most humans saw their arrival as an invasion. Now, two decades later, the Veilorians have been banished to the District, a fenced-in area on the outskirts of the last known livable land on Earth. Most people do their best to pretend they don’t exist, but not everyone. There are humans, like my cousin, who see them for what they are. Despite the threat of disownment, she married a Veilorian, and now she, too, lives in the District.

Even before I met Finn, I was determined to stand up for what was right, but from the moment I laid eyes on him, we had a connection I’ve never experienced before. But with the election of a new and radical mayor on the horizon, tensions are high, and people are calling for change. They want to make my cousin’s marriage illegal and punish any human who goes into the District, but I refuse to back down from this fight. No matter the cost.

My name is Ava Mendoza, and I’m not a species traitor. I’m a species savior.

I never thought the Veilorians were the enemy, but I also never could have imagined I’d find myself in love with one. Meeting Finn changed my life, and I happily gave up everything not just for him, but for what I believed in as well.

But now the future is uncertain, and the stakes higher than ever. Veronica Waters is determined to make everyone in the District pay for our crimes against humans. To her we’re species traitors, but I don’t see it that way. I believe Veilorians were sent here to save us and I refuse to back down. No matter what.

I just hope I don't lose everything in the process.

My name is Ava Mendoza, and I am a species traitor.

They came hoping to find a new home after their own planet was destroyed, but Earth was dying as well, and most humans saw their arrival as an invasion. Now, two decades later, the Veilorians have been banished to the District, a fenced-in area on the outskirts of the last known livable land on Earth. Most people do their best to pretend they don’t exist, but not everyone. There are humans, like my cousin, who see them for what they are. Despite the threat of disownment, she married a Veilorian, and now she, too, lives in the District.